Sunday, February 24, 2013

Line Transfer Sucessful

Transfered 3500' of towline to the Scooter Tow today. 

Homemade PVC spool holder

Using lineman's block pulley attached to tree
McDonald Brummel eye splice

Level wind in action...  Using a broom to slow down the unwinding.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Turn Around Pulley

Turns out the rescue pulley in the previous post wont work. To large a gap between the side plates and sheave. Can't adjust it either.

I found a brand new Lineman's snatch block pulley on eBay.  Nearly identical to one Dave Broyles of Kite Enterprises uses and sells.  Got a good deal on it and it should last a long time.  Initially I'll just use this for transferring the towline to the scooter tow's spool.  It'll be a while before I'm ready to tow with a turn around pulley.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tow Line

More stuff for the Scooter Tow

3500 feet of 1400 lb test Dyneema tow line.
Couple of splicing fids and some 250 lb weak links.
Heavy Duty Pulley - 4" sheave with sealed needle bearing.

Should be loading up the spool on the Scooter Tow sometime this weekend.